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Hot Foam Rolling for Better Fitness

Hot Foam Rolling for Better Fitness

In my experience, I know that I can get a deep tissue massage on my own using foam roller. That being the case, why would I spend a hundred bucks, unless I just wanted that experience on a vacation.

What is “Overweight”?

What is “Overweight”?

Sometimes people will ask me what I think constitutes being “overweight”. Overweight can mean different things to different people.

Don’t Skip the Workout Warmup!

Don’t Skip the Workout Warmup!

Have you ever taken yoga from an instructor who skips the warmup? What about a personal training session with a trainer who starts you off with no warmup sets or active stretching?

Detox Strategy for 2022: Infrared Training + Diet Tracking

Detox Strategy for 2022: Infrared Training + Diet Tracking

It’s a new year, it’s 2022. Maybe this year should be the year to make detox a priority. Your body is invaded daily by harmful substances known as either toxins from natural, organic sources or toxicants like air pollution which are human made.

A Training Method for Winners

A Training Method for Winners

Before I began practicing the HOTWORX 3D Training Method, my workouts were, well, boring and less effective. It was nothing special. There was no unique method.

Infrared Training for Endurance

Infrared Training for Endurance

What does it mean to endure? The simple answer to that question is to last. The best fitness programs pay attention to endurance.

Infrared Training and a Kilimanjaro Climb for Wounded Warriors and First Responders

Infrared Training and a Kilimanjaro Climb for Wounded Warriors and First Responders

I’ve written on several occasions about the importance of scheduling a future event as a training motivator for your fitness program. There’s nothing that will get you moving more than looking forward to a trip to a far away place that involves a bucket list activity.

What Does Toothpaste and Working Out Have in Common?

What Does Toothpaste and Working Out Have in Common?

To answer the why let me ask another question. Would you skip brushing your teeth in the morning? I would hope that all of us would answer with a resounding NO.


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