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Infrared Hot Yoga 24/7

Infrared Hot Yoga 24/7

There are many “firsts” in terms of fitness technology that HOTWORX has introduced to the industry including: The patent pending 63 square foot three person infrared workout sauna, virtual instruction for small group infrared training, the “silent” functional trainer (topic for next week), the Burn Off App, the 30 minute infrared isometric workout and the 15 minute infrared HIIT to name a few.

The Vortex Workout!

The Vortex Workout!

If you missed the first ever HOTWORX Conference, you missed a unique workout. It was likely the first large group isometric workout ever in the mid-summer heat on the top of a hotel on the Strip in Las Vegas.

Workout Time: The Perfect 30 Minutes

Workout Time: The Perfect 30 Minutes

As a fitness entrepreneur I am always looking for ways to give my clients the very most out of each visit to the gym or spa. Let’s face it, time is the most valuable commodity in life. On average, we all have a little more than 80 years worth of time on this planet. What we do with our time is important, to say the least!How we use our gym time can greatly enhance our longevity (and quality) of life so that we can beat the 80+ year average.

Confusion About Muscle Confusion

Confusion About Muscle Confusion

The Hot Box Detox isometric/infrared fusion workout was inspired by Bikram Yoga. I used to practice Bikram and it is an awesome program if you have 90 minutes for it. Now I practice the 30 minute Hot Box Detox twice per week as a supplement to my weight training program.One of the reasons that I liked Bikram was its discipline to 26 set postures. With the set postures, you are able to easily know how you are progressing from session to session.


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