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What is Power?

What is Power?

Your personal “power” is important to your fitness! That said, let’s dig a little deeper to understand what power really is.

Repetition is the Mother of Skill

Repetition is the Mother of Skill

I recently attended an online Tony Robbins seminar. I took pages of notes but there was one phrase I heard that made an indelible impression on my brain. That phrase was, “repetition is the mother of skill”.

Blood Oxygen Levels and Infrared Training

Blood Oxygen Levels and Infrared Training

So most of us have heard by now that the new Apple Watch measures blood oxygen levels. This feature, known as a pulse oximeter, reports oxygen saturation (also known as SpO2).

Watch Your Fitness Tracker, Not a Wall Clock!

Watch Your Fitness Tracker, Not a Wall Clock!

Any product innovation, including, and especially that of fitness trackers such as the Apple Watch and FitBit, is an evolution by design to improve the experience with time.

Day After Christmas - The Fitness Counter Attack

Day After Christmas - The Fitness Counter Attack

It’s the day after Christmas and all through the house, visions of fitness and detox ring out!

Improve the Quality of Your Fitness Time this Holiday Season

Improve the Quality of Your Fitness Time this Holiday Season

Sometimes people place their fitness program on the back burner to free up more time for holiday preparations. Instead of sacrificing your workouts this year, why not incorporate a more efficient workout program into your schedule?

Workout Schizophrenia Runs Rampant in the Fitness Industry

Workout Schizophrenia Runs Rampant in the Fitness Industry

There seems to be elements of mass delusion in the world of fitness training these days. What do I mean by that? Well, before I explain, let’s gain an understanding of the word schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a psychology term and when used in general conversation refers to “a mentality or approach characterized by inconsistent or contradictory elements.”¹

The Importance of Discipline in Fitness and Franchising

The Importance of Discipline in Fitness and Franchising

It should go without saying that you have to be disciplined if you expect results from your fitness regime. Only YOU can get yourself to the gym on a regular basis. You must find a way to muster the self discipline that it takes to keep yourself going consistently. Make your workout regime a part of your life in the same way that you brush your teeth in the morning. Working out can be fun if you train your mind to become a fitness enthusiast. Training your mind to create a good habit takes discipline.


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