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Vacation Motivation

I have written about this before, but I will continue to write on this topic to remind myself and blog readers of the importance of this simple fitness strategy.  Vacations are the greatest motivators of all to get people moving towards a fitness objective.  I write this blog post today from Park City, Utah during one such vacation.  Obviously my trip involves snow skiing.

I am reminded of a book that I read while in graduate school for organizational management.  The first sentence of the book went something like this…”The most important four letter word in business is G-O-A-L.  Without a doubt, setting a believable and achievable goal is the single most important motivator in business.

The same principle works in fitness for your personal routine.  Set a believable and achievable goal and go for it.  However, if you want to add a level of motivation to your fitness routine, you can elevate your goal by including a deadline for accomplishment that coincides with a day that you will leave for a vacation.  Consider planning a vacation that becomes a part of your fitness goals.

For example, your vacation might involve sports such as snow skiing or surfing or hiking, or why not run with the bulls in Pamplona!  These types of vacations will require for serious planning and timing of a fitness regime that will culminate in your best personal conditioning for the trip.  Once you schedule one of these types of vacations, your determination to be ready will serve as a serious motivator as you train in the months and weeks leading up to the vacation.

Consider incorporating infrared fitness to your vacation training routine this year if you want to add more efficiency to your workouts.

For your next vacation, pick a destination that motivates you to train!  Schedule a trip now to supercharge your workouts.

Get you some “vacation motivation”!

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Stephen P. Smith, MA
CEO and Creator of HOTWORX, Author, Former National Collegiate Bodybuilding Champion and Arena Football Player, Certified Professional Trainer


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