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Don't Let Fear Hold You Back from a Great Opportunity

HOTWORX congratulates franchisees, Allison & Ryan Anderson, who were awarded 3 franchise licenses - 2 in the Las Vegas market and 1 in the Salt Lake City market. They recently opened their Las Vegas, NV (Durango/Sunset) studio and are currently developing their second studio in St. George, UT with their business partner, Shauna Blum!

What originally motivated you to consider a business opportunity?
Anderson: How could we NOT do this?! I originally was only financially investing in one location with a friend. Then once I started doing the HOTWORX workouts myself, I was HOOKED! I found out that there were more locations available in my city and I jumped on the opportunity!

As an RN, I am blown away by the technology of the saunas and the health benefits are unbelievable. The company is so helpful and organized as well. I am extremely impressed with everything and we cannot wait to get opened!

Blum: I have run companies that we started from the ground up as well as franchises and truly enjoyed both. However, the guidance and the ability to see the true potential really made this decision an easy one!

What led you to explore franchising rather than an independent business?
Anderson: My husband owns a business that his family started many years ago. I have been involved with work from home companies for many years as well. Franchising has always intrigued me and with HOTWORX having an easy to follow format, it takes so much of the stress off of our minds so we can focus on more family time.

Blum: Honestly, this opportunity came knocking on my door in the form of another franchisee, and my now business partner, wanting to try something new.

What was your initial impression of your first HOTWORX session?
Anderson: I was BLOWN AWAY!!!! I sincerely love health & wellness, but I have not always been into traditional workout constraints. Being a previous Bikram enthusiast, I was ready to try this and I fell in love with the uniqueness of the workout and the saunas.

Blum: It was a great feeling. I love the "more workout, less time " because it's exactly the type of workout that fits my lifestyle.

How was your experience going through the HOTWORX Discovery Process?
Anderson: Simple, easy, and highly informative.

Blum: My experience was a bit backwards from most because my business partner was already ahead of the game with another location so I started in the middle of a checklist and worked my way backwards to Orientation. I loved every minute of it! (I'm a sucker for a good checklist)

How would you describe your Orientation Day and meeting the HOTWORX Executive Team?
Anderson: We all had SO much fun together! The whole day reaffirmed to myself WHY I wanted to do this and I was more excited than I had been before about this unique opportunity!

Blum: Loved it! It was so motivating. I wanted to get going and open my studio the next day.

What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs considering the opportunity to franchise with HOTWORX?
Anderson: Go for it!!! Do your due diligence and research your areas of interest. Then get ready to have some FUN!

Blum: DO IT! Don't let fear hold you back from a great opportunity.

What are the top 3 reasons you chose to franchise with HOTWORX?
1. I LOVE the workouts. I am totally obsessed.
2. I appreciate the user friendliness of the app and the workout schedules.
3. The low overhead for staffing and hours of operation were appealing to me and my family’s schedule.

Blum: Honestly, it was really only 1 reason. This model was something that I didn't know I needed until I tried it and fell in love. From there, I wanted to bring it to my community and I knew it would work well here.

What excites you the most in offering HOTWORX to your community?
Anderson: 24/7 Hot Sauna workouts for a 24-hour town!!! Health and wellness are important in this community. Also, for me as an RN, being able to offer safe and effective workouts for all ages and health limits will be beneficial for friends, family, and the community!

Blum: The fact that people here are very health conscious and very busy so I know this will offer them the best of both worlds, a quick and effective workout.

What goals do you plan to accomplish in your first year as a HOTWORX franchisee?
Anderson: We look forward to opening with a BANG and seeing sweaty & smiley faces daily! We will be opening at least 2 locations our first year & we are SO ready to share the HOTWORX lifestyle with everyone we see!

Blum: 1000 member club!

How will HOTWORX help you achieve your personal and professional goals?
Anderson: Being a family of 4 with 2 little kids, owning our own business will give us more time freedom with our schedules. Professionally, this will expand our business knowledge by being involved with a different type of business. Most importantly, we will be even more healthy than we are now (being in the studio often) and providing our children with the knowledge & benefits of independent business ownership.

Blum: I feel like more than anything it will help me achieve my personal goal of working less and making the same/more than I currently do with our other business. Being at home with my son is important to me. Right now 50-60 hour work weeks are the norm. I want to work a 30-40 hour week and have some separation between work/home life. Once our studio is up and running, I feel this is an achievable goal!!

Congratulations, Allison, Ryan, & Shauna, and welcome to the HOTWORX team!
Looking for a new business opportunity and want to learn more about HOTWORX?


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