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Achieve and Surpass Our Goals

HOTWORX congratulates franchisees, Corina & Juan Ortiz, who were awarded a franchise license in the Dallas-Fort Worth market and recently opened their Hurst, TX (N. Richland Hills) studio!

What originally motivated you to consider a business opportunity?
As a custom home business owner and former teacher, we are always looking for great opportunities to better ourselves. We left our 8-5 jobs to grow as individuals, mentally and physically. We joined HOTWORX as members and loved the workout. Unfortunately, when we moved the commute was rather far, so we decided to join the franchise and possibly open one close to home.

What led you to explore franchising rather than an independent business?
We currently have an independent business, however, we have always wanted to own a franchise and expand our knowledge in different areas. As we continue to learn with HOTWORX and learn from them, we know their #1 motto is teamwork. As business owners, we couldn't agree more that it takes a village to be successful.

What was your initial impression of your first HOTWORX session?
As a longtime athlete, I was very confident about completing every exercise session HOTWORX had to offer. I very quickly learned that I was very wrong and it was a challenge to complete them. We both enjoyed the challenge and the recovery phase after each session.

How was your experience going through the HOTWORX Discovery Process?
The Discovery Process was clear and organized, providing comfort and support throughout the whole process to make sure you obtain all the information you need to determine if it's the right fit for you.

How would you describe your Orientation Day and meeting the HOTWORX Executive Team?
Orientation Day was through zoom and we were very nervous to meet everyone for the first time, but quickly felt comfortable when everyone made it so easy to follow. We had so much information to take in and to learn that we were thankful for the small and safe environment to ask all the questions we had.

What advice would you give to other candidates considering the opportunity to franchise with HOTWORX?
Go and trust the process. It will guide you to determine if this is the right fit for you.

What are the top 3 reasons you chose to franchise with HOTWORX?
1. Opportunity of a better lifestyle for ourselves and our community
2. Continued professional growth
3. Support system HOTWORX is willing to provide to be successful

What excites you the most in offering HOTWORX to your community?
To provide HOTWORX and get our community to live a happier and healthier lifestyle.

What goals do you plan to accomplish in your first year as a HOTWORX franchisee?
Our goal is to form a great team and network to assure the best service we can provide to our community. We also plan to achieve and surpass our goals that we as a team will commit to.

How will HOTWORX help you achieve your personal and professional goals?
HOTWORX will help us expand our knowledge and independence to be successful physically, mentally, and professionally.

Congratulations, Corina & Juan, and welcome to the HOTWORX team!
Looking for a new business opportunity and want to learn more about HOTWORX?


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