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Hot Supplement to Athletic Training

Champion athletes always cross train.  They never allow themselves to plateau due to a stale, monotonous training routine.  As defined in a recent Runner’s World Magazine article, “cross-training is when a runner trains by doing another kind of fitness workout such as cycling, swimming, a fitness class or strength training, to supplement their running. It builds strength and flexibility in muscles that running doesn't utilize. It prevents injury by correcting muscular imbalances. And the variety prevents boredom and burnout.” (1)

Champions are always looking for a way to make gains and to push beyond their previous best.  For example, take a look at what Aaron Rogers, NFL top quarterback for the Green Bay Packers, has to say.  In addition to his traditional weight/resistance training routine for football, he also practices yoga.

According to reports in Men’s Fitness Magazine, “Rodgers is one of the fittest quarterbacks in the league, keeping himself in shape with a rock-solid core workout—which he detailed for Men’s Fitness—as well as weightlifting, squats, TRX moves, and yoga.” (2)

Rogers made the following statement to the Men’s Fitness journalist:

“I did a lot of stretching and yoga this offseason, which I have always felt has helped me to sustain my legs and my athleticism and just taking off in practice on some scrambles. Yoga is just wonderful for me. I feel like I am moving as well as I did when I was 23 and I'm 33. Stretching, for me, is amazing. Flexibility can add years to your life…” (3)

Many clients of HOTWORX use the 30 minute hot isometrics and the 15 minute hot HIIT workouts to supplement their athletic endeavors.  These sports include running, weight training, skiing, rock climbing, and the list goes on.  These amateur and pro athletes maintain their fundamental training practices of dynamic resistance in the forms of weight training and suspension training, but supplement with hot infrared exercise to make progress in flexibility, balance, detoxification, recovery and even to make additional gains in strength.

Sorry fellas, but gone are the days of coming in to the gym to do bench press and dumbbell curls to call it a day.  Modern fitness calls for more specialized training and not for just one method, or “rut” routine, if you will.

Add some hot infrared to your athletic training!

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Stephen P. Smith, MA
CEO and Creator of HOTWORX, Author, Former National Collegiate Bodybuilding Champion and Arena Football Player, Certified Professional Trainer


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