I am a hardcore snow skier. I have a passion for it, and a passion for the mountains. I love the clean air, the positive vibe, and the crazy good workout that skiing provides. My favorite place to ski by far is Aspen, CO. There is only one thing wrong with Aspen though. It does not have a HOTWORX…YET! We might be able to do something about that soon 😊. But, in the meantime, while I’m there, I have to get my workouts in the traditional way at a traditional gym. All I can say to that is boooring. I’m sorry but it’s just so old school 😒.
I joined this new little gym in Aspen for a month. The equipment is nice but only a new version of the same old thing you see at most health clubs. There is nothing there to accelerate my mood or to give me that MORE WORKOUT, LESS TIME that I am so used to at HOTWORX. HOTWORX is like a love lost if you don’t have it…it’s awful when it’s gone.
But, I am so excited to be flying from Aspen to Tulsa, OK this weekend for a book signing event that is part of the grand opening anniversary celebration at the HOTWORX at Tulsa (Jenks) owned by Ashlee B and her family! Thank goodness, tomorrow I will get to do infrared workouts with members of that location. It’s almost ridiculous how addictive HOTWORX is, and it’s not just the awesome workouts, it’s the vibe of the concept, and the motivating environment that it creates. I miss my HOTWORX :(
The old saying that, “you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone” is spot on when it relates to HOTWORX. And that is why HOTWORX should be conveniently located for everyone in the country. We are working on that, and without a doubt, Aspen is on the list of coming soon, along with many other towns and neighborhoods across the USA!
Everyone should have the opportunity to experience the detox, the mental clarity, the anabolic effect, the balance improvement, the cardio gains, the accelerated fat oxidation, the metabolism boost, and the skin glow that comes with infrared training at HOTWORX.
A member recently commented on one of my Instagram posts @HOTWORXceo that she loves the colors and how uplifting the environment is. So, it’s the sheer bliss of the infrared therapy + the vibe of the workouts that I miss. I want it everywhere I go!
Fast forward…
It’s now Saturday and I’m flying back to Aspen, but today was incredible to hang out with members of the HOTWORX in Tulsa. Ashlee, her husband, mom, dad and entire family and studio team poured out an amazing display of hospitality and energy for the event. I was fortunate to get a solid HOT CYCLE and a HOT THUNDER workout with team members and customers, and Ashlee did THUNDER with us providing that extra oomph of motivation. It was wonderful. Fist pumps go out to everyone there today in Tulsa earning the burn together.
It was only for one day, but it was great to be back at HOTWORX. 👊🔥