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The Gravity War

Let’s face it. Gravity wins in the end. That’s ok. Seems to me, though, that we should fight the good fight for as long as we possibly can. Collectively, we are actually doing pretty good in our physical war against gravity, and we should continue to do more.Just over 100 years ago life expectancy was in the 40’s age range, now it is in the 80’s.I smile when I hear people say things like, “Age doesn’t matter, it’s just a number.” Yes, it is just a number, but it is the most important number at any give point in your life. Like it or not, your performance expectations are tied to your age.Your health and appearance are a reflection of how well you are doing in your personal fight with gravity. Are you winning against gravity based on the expectation for your age? Further to that point, how important is the quality of your physical mobility and how long do you want to live? Set goals! Your longevity should be important to you. We should all strive to do our part to add to the collective health of our species.That being said, what can we do? First, we can set a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)!How about a goal to smack down gravity well past the age mark of 100!Next, we can seek out fitness programs that will accelerate our ability to fight gravity! Some programs are better than others. As a businessman, it seems to me that it is always best to find the most for the least. As a trainer, if I can get the same results in less time, and if those results last for longer, then I want that program!As busy professionals, we need fitness routines that can leverage multiple advantages at once in order to save time and accelerate results. Multidimensional routines give the most results in the least amount of time, period.This is where I must recommend infrared training.Working out in an infrared heat environment promotes recovery from the workout while you are actually doing the workout! Infrared also forces your body to acclimate to the heat, thereby accelerating your metabolism and muscle development. There are too many other benefits to mention with this one blog article.Just know that hot exercise in an infrared sauna can be the best weapon in the war against gravity!The HOTWORX sauna and program provides six incredible infrared workouts and a meditation session. Every fitness facility should have it!

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Stephen P. Smith, MA
CEO and Creator of HOTWORX, Author, Former National Collegiate Bodybuilding Champion and Arena Football Player, Certified Professional Trainer


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