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Procrastination is the Sworn Enemy of Fitness Achievement

Realign your fitness immediately after vacation this summer.

It’s important to reset your fitness program following a vacation.  The best thing to do after unpacking and settling back in is to get back to the gym immediately!

One of the most influential sales professionals of my career always would tell me that procrastination is the “sworn enemy of achievement”.  John Paul, now well into his 70’s, still manages the sales force for one of the largest Gold’s Gym franchise ownership groups in the world.  That franchise group is located in Southern California.  “JP” knows how to get productivity from a team.

Procrastination kills productivity.  That’s the truth, in business and in fitness.

A great vacation always involves well deserved relaxation and celebration.  Both of these things are necessary rewards for long periods of hard work, but a great vacation can also result in a period of post vacation procrastination unless your motivation level is addressed immediately when returning home.

At HOTWORX we like to say, “Believe, Do, Achieve, Repeat…”  Somewhere in that continuous success loop there are times to stop, relax, and reflect.  We call those times vacation.  Perhaps vacation is a moment for re-establishing your belief in what you are doing.  That’s good, but “DO” is next in the loop!

DO, or action is the antithesis to procrastination!  Always remember that dreams without action are merely pipe dreams.  Action is the precursor to achievement, and is therefore, the sworn enemy to low productivity, laziness and procrastination.  When you work hard to achieve some great success, take a vacation and then get right back to “doing” the moment you get home.

As in your career, the same goes for your fitness!

Take a look at fitness on the set level.  In most yoga workouts a posture is formed and then held for one to two minutes usually.  During that posture, how you hold your level of focus and intensity determines how much progress you will make with your body.  Then, following the posture there is a brief moment of rest, and possibly a child’s pose.  As soon as the moment of breathing, recovery and reflection is over, it’s back to action and on to the next posture over and over again until the workout is done.

Getting back to action immediately as you move into the next posture is vital for best results.

Working yourself into great shape requires attention not to move too slow, or procrastinate as you gain proper form into the next exercise.  Go into the next posture on cue with the instructor, and not after the instructor.  As you work harder and harder, you will gain a higher level of conditioning, and, you will begin to find it much easier to immediately jump into the next pose with the instructor.

Push yourself to stay on cue.  Don’t be lazy!

Our corporate office team took a well deserved vacation cruise last week.  We returned to New Orleans on Thursday evening.  The very next day at work my colleague and I took a lunch workout and decided that HOTWORX Hot Yoga was the best choice to realign our fitness after the vacation…especially after being on a boat in motion on the high seas for 5 nights.  That 30 minute session was challenging from a balance standpoint, but was just right for a post vacation reset.

Defeat procrastination!

Take fitness action immediately after your summer vacation this year.  Your professional and personal productivity will thank you for it!

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Stephen P. Smith, MA
CEO and Creator of HOTWORX, Author, Former National Collegiate Bodybuilding Champion and Arena Football Player, Certified Professional Trainer


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